The world of erectile dysfunction medications is a very complicated one due to certain reasons which have nothing to do with science and with actual characteristics of different options for treating erectile dysfunction. This was made much worse thanks to internet where people tend to write whatever they want without having to back things up with any data. We may have introduced too much in this first paragraph, but bear with us.
It would be impossible to list all the ED medications that are available on the market at the moment. We can give you the names of the three approved medications, Viagra, Levitra and the obvious superior medication for ED, Cialis.
These medications were tested and studied extensively before they were approved and MHRA is only one of the different regulatory bodies that found these medications effective and safe. Since they hit the market, they have been constantly observed and people who have used them have been encouraged to share their experiences in order to find any potential long-term side effects and dangers, as well as how effective these drugs are.
However, there are much more natural products that are being advertised as treatments for ED. It sounds great. You get a medication that is absolutely natural and that contains no harmful artificial ingredients that might harm your health. On paper, or at least according to the advertisements on the internet, they work just as well as Cialis and the others. Unfortunately, the reason why they sound too good to be true is that they are. Namely, their efficiency is non-existent.
Not a single definitive study conducted by an impartial body has been conducted that has shown that these products are effective. Not a single one of these products is proven to work and in fact, they do not work. Moreover, there are some among them that are not purely natural and that might actually cause harm to your body.
In the end, the situation is much clearer than you would think. There are only three actual choices out there if you wish to do something about your ED. You can choose between Viagra, Levitra and Cialis, and if you know anything about them (especially about how long they work), you will choose Cialis.